Types of Disasters & Emergencies

1. All Hazards

Prepare for any type of emergency by following these essential steps:

  • Stay informed about potential hazards in your area.
  • Create an emergency kit with essential supplies such as food, water, medications, and first aid items.
  • Develop a family emergency plan and practice it regularly to ensure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.

2. Emergency Alerts

Sign up for local emergency alert systems to receive timely notifications and instructions during emergencies. Follow the guidance provided and take necessary actions to protect yourself and your family.

3. Attacks in Public Places

Stay vigilant and report suspicious activities to authorities. In the event of an attack, follow instructions from law enforcement and have an evacuation or sheltering plan in place.

4. Avalanche

Take precautions when in avalanche-prone areas:

  • Avoid high-risk terrain during unstable conditions.
  • Carry avalanche safety equipment and know how to use it.
  • Stay informed about avalanche forecasts and warnings.

5. Biohazard Exposure

Follow safety protocols when handling biohazardous materials:

  • Use personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize exposure.
  • Seek medical attention immediately if exposed to biohazards.

6. Cybersecurity

Protect yourself from cyber threats:

  • Keep software and security systems updated.
  • Use strong, unique passwords for online accounts.
  • Be cautious of suspicious emails, links, and attachments.

7. Drought

Conserve water and follow water use restrictions during droughts:

  • Fix leaks and reduce water usage.
  • Plan for alternative water sources if necessary.

8. Earthquakes

Prepare for earthquakes by securing heavy items and identifying safe spots in each room:

  • Practice "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" drills regularly.
  • Keep an emergency kit with essentials like food, water, and first aid supplies.

9. Explosions

If safe, evacuate the area immediately and follow instructions from emergency responders:

  • Provide assistance to others if possible.

10. Extreme Heat

Stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to extreme heat:

  • Stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day.
  • Use fans, air conditioning, or cool baths to cool down.

11. Floods

Take precautions during floods to ensure safety:

  • Evacuate to higher ground if instructed by authorities.
  • Avoid walking or driving through flooded areas.
  • Turn off utilities if flooding is imminent.

12. Chemicals and Hazardous Materials Incidents

Stay indoors and follow evacuation orders if advised by authorities:

  • Seal windows and doors to minimize exposure.
  • Seek medical attention if exposed to hazardous materials.

13. Home Fires

Prevent and prepare for home fires:

  • Install smoke alarms on every level of your home.
  • Create and practice a fire escape plan with family members.
  • Keep flammable materials away from heat sources.

14. Home Safety

Ensure your home is safe and secure:

  • Regularly inspect and maintain safety equipment (smoke alarms, fire extinguishers).
  • Secure heavy furniture and appliances to prevent accidents.

15. Household Chemical Emergencies

Handle household chemicals safely:

  • Store chemicals out of reach of children.
  • Use chemicals in well-ventilated areas.

16. Hurricanes

Protect yourself during hurricanes:

  • Secure windows and doors with storm shutters.
  • Stock up on non-perishable food and water.
  • Follow evacuation orders and have a communication plan in place.

17. Landslides & Debris Flow

Be aware of signs of landslides and debris flow:

  • Avoid areas susceptible to landslides during heavy rainfall or seismic activity.
  • Evacuate if instructed by authorities.

18. Radiation Emergencies

Take precautions during radiation emergencies:

  • Stay indoors and close windows and doors if advised by authorities.
  • Follow evacuation orders and seek medical attention if exposed to radiation.

19. Pandemic

Prepare for pandemics by following health guidelines:

  • Stock up on essential supplies and medication.
  • Practice social distancing and hygiene measures.

20. Power Outages

Be prepared for power outages:

  • Have alternative lighting sources and non-perishable food available.
  • Unplug appliances to prevent damage from power surges.

21. Severe Weather

Monitor weather forecasts and take shelter during severe weather events:

  • Follow instructions from emergency officials.

22. Space Weather

Stay informed about space weather alerts:

  • Protect sensitive equipment from electromagnetic disturbances.

23. Thunderstorms & Lightning

Stay indoors and avoid using electronic devices during thunderstorms:

  • Unplug devices and avoid using landline phones.

24. Tornadoes

Identify a safe shelter area and monitor weather alerts:

  • Take shelter immediately if a tornado warning is issued.

25. Tsunamis

Evacuate to higher ground if in a tsunami-prone area:

  • Move inland and to higher ground immediately after an earthquake.

26. Volcanoes

Stay informed about volcanic activity and follow evacuation orders:

  • Protect yourself from ashfall by staying indoors and wearing masks.

27. Wildfires

Follow evacuation orders and prepare your home for wildfires:

  • Clear brush and create defensible space around your property.
  • Keep important documents and emergency supplies ready.

28. Winter Weather

Stay indoors during severe winter storms and avoid unnecessary travel:

  • Dress warmly and keep emergency supplies in your vehicle.

29. Recovering from Disaster

Seek support and follow instructions from disaster recovery agencies:

  • Take steps to rebuild and recover physically and emotionally.

30. Blizzards

Prepare for blizzards with essential supplies and alternative heating sources:

  • Stay indoors and avoid travel during severe weather conditions.

31. Chemical Spills

Stay informed and follow evacuation procedures during chemical spills:

  • Have emergency supplies and protective gear ready.

32. Dam Failure

Be familiar with evacuation routes and follow instructions from authorities:

  • Stay informed and communicate with family members.

33. Droughts

Conserve water and follow water use restrictions during drought conditions:

  • Plan for alternative water sources if necessary.

34. Earthquake

Secure heavy items and identify safe spots in your home:

  • Practice earthquake drills regularly.

35. Extreme Heat Waves

Stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to extreme heat:

  • Use cooling methods to lower body temperature.

36. Fire

Install smoke alarms and have fire safety plans in place:

  • Evacuate immediately in case of a fire.

37. Floods

Prepare for floods with evacuation plans and important documents:

  • Turn off utilities if instructed by authorities.

38. Hurricanes

Secure your property and follow evacuation orders during hurricanes:

  • Stay informed and communicate with family members.

39. Lost Child or Alzheimer Family Member

Educate family members about safety protocols and procedures:

  • Notify authorities immediately if someone goes missing.

40. Pandemics

Follow health guidelines and stock up on essential supplies:

  • Practice social distancing and hygiene measures.

41. Rabies in the Area

Keep pets vaccinated against rabies and avoid contact with wild animals:

  • Seek medical attention immediately if bitten by an animal.

42. Terrorist Attacks

Stay vigilant and report suspicious activities to authorities:

  • Follow emergency instructions and avoid affected areas.

43. Thunderstorms

Take shelter indoors and unplug electronic devices during thunderstorms:

  • Stay informed and prepared for severe weather conditions.

44. Tornadoes

Identify safe shelter areas and monitor weather alerts:

  • Take immediate shelter if a tornado warning is issued.